Image source: SF Gate
The truth is you may indeed deserve a promotion after years of helping make your boss and employer successful. However, promotions don’t just happen incidentally. The mystique of being promoted is largely up to you in how well you connect with others and own your career development.
Being promotable does not always mean being visible in a positive way by demonstrating a good work ethic backed up with reliability. If it were, chances are you would have been promoted by now.
Deserving a promotion and receiving one are two different things. In order to be in line for a promotion there are some things you can actively do rather than wait for others to notice. One of the most obvious yet overlooked areas is in communicating with your boss on a regular basis. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your boss knows all of your strengths and contributions.
Another area that often keeps promotions at bay is not meeting enough people by staying in your comfort zone. If you need help in meeting others in your company, inquire about mentoring programs. Mentors are great sources of information and can help with introductions.
Blue Jeans Now Allowed At Beaufort County Schools
Students in one school district in Eastern Carolina will now be allowed to wear blue jeans to school.
Last night the Beaufort County School Board relaxed the student dress code for the 2013-14 school year.
Pants can now be any color and yes, blue jeans will be allowed. But those pants cannot have holes in them, nor can they sag or be too tight. The school system says belts will not be required.
The school board didn't make any changes to their policy on shirts. Collars are still required, though the shirts do not have to be tucked in.
The old dress code was adopted in 2007 and limited pants to tan khaki, solid navy blue or solid black.
Communication is even more critical if you report to a boss in a different location. Frustration in being overlooked for a promotion could be lessened if your boss knew about your career goals and interests in adding to the company’s success. Take the initiative to meet with your boss, asking for additional responsibilities or new projects that interest you. Volunteer when possible for assignments that will help broaden your work experience.
The most important factor in being promotable is keeping up a good attitude even though you might have been passed over for a job you wanted, it’s never too late to start building a good case when the next opportunity becomes available.
Be patient; promotions will happen as the company grows. In the meantime, focus on your job and make it a priority to accomplish the tasks assigned to you. Avoid getting caught up in the noise of office gossip and being sidetracked from what you do best. Listen for opportunities while developing good working relationships with hiring decision makers.
Read more about David Bergen’s steady career progress as top-ranked executive for Fortune 500 companies such as Levi Strauss & Co. and The Gap by following this Twitter account.